
Aces Program

About The Aces Baseball Program

The goal of the Aces Baseball program is to expose Western New York athletes to a significantly higher level of baseball , both from a competitive and coaching level, than can be found anywhere else in the area.  In addition, the program will prepare players for those baseball opportunities that will come about as a result of the exposure this program will generate.  The goal of every Aces player should be to strive to excel at the game of baseball through their middle school and high school years with the ultimate goal of being able to play baseball competitively at the college level.   Although dozens of very successful programs of this type exist around the country, this is the only one of its kind in Western New York.
To participate at this level, it is not necessary that a player be an exceptional baseball talent, only that he have average or better athletic ability, a love for the game and a willingness to work to be the best he can be at the game.
The elite travel program addresses more than just a player's athletic ability.  All of the additional skills necessary to truly play the game will also be developed: professionalism, maturity, independence and responsibility to name a few. A strong emphasis is also placed on schoolwork and grades.  To have the opportunity to play baseball at the collegiate level, passing grades are not enough - above average grades are expected.  As such, schoolwork and grades are an important part in what options will present themselves down the road.  Our elite program looks for players that share that same sense of importance when it comes to their education.

All tournaments will be high caliber, nationally recognized events. For ages 14 and up, several tournaments will be 'showcase' events, specifically held to give the college coaches and scouts in attendance an opportunity to get a look at the best talent in this part of the country.  Others will lead to showcase tournaments or camps as a result of superior play in that tournament.  The remainder will be high visibility, high caliber national tournaments. 
For ages up to and including 13, all tournaments will be high caliber national tournaments held to give players the opportunity to experience baseball at its best.  The intent of these tournaments is to prepare players for those showcase opportunities that will start at age 14.  For players at this impressionable an age, these are opportunities and memories that will last a lifetime.
In practice, tournament and travel play, emphasis will fall heavily on professional look and conduct, teamwork and commitment to teammates, and fundamental understanding and execution of the game of baseball.   Winning will happen not by coaching to win, but by sticking to the fundamentals that make sound baseball players and teams.  Top to bottom, this theme will be repeated at all levels in our program.
We encourage all Aces players to play as much baseball as they can during the limited summer season available in Western New York.  Playing on multiple teams is certainly allowed and very much encouraged.  It is not necessary for any player to give up the opportunity to play with their existing team or friends to be part of this elite program.  Our only requirement is that each player keep in mind their Aces elite team schedule when conflicts do occur.
The 2026 summer team cost for each participant accepted into the elite program is outlined in the individual team details below.  Remember this cost, unlike any other baseball cost you have seen in the past, includes all baseball activities, a Team Bat Bag, team baseball cleats and helmet, uniform, team practice and travel apparel. NO ADDITIONAL FUND RAISING! 
Our fall 2025 short season cost for each participant accepted into the program is outlined in the individual team details below.  Remember this cost, unlike any other baseball cost you have seen in the past, includes all baseball activities, uniform, team practice, indoor facility use and training.
After tryouts, players that are selected for the program will be required to provide a deposit to lock in their roster spot.   A payment schedule (due every month), that requires all players make their final payment approximately 60 days prior to season start will be provided at the time of initial deposit.  

By coming to Aces you’ve taken the first step in a journey that I’m sure you may question if you are truly ready to take.  If you love to play the game of baseball – YOU ARE READY.  There is no question.

We encourage everyone that loves the game of baseball to signup for the tryouts.  Don't underestimate what you are ready for or what your true abilities are.  If you love the game, anything is possible.

Summer 2026 Teams

The 2026 elite team schedule will be as follows:
Each elite team will participate in local and out of state tournaments (see tournament/showcase schedule for breakdown by age of team) throughout the northeastern, mid-Atlantic and central United States during the months of May through August.  No tournament will require any player to miss any school.  Additionally, each team will participate in an 'A' level travel league schedule in the Western New York area to fill out their schedule.

To Register for Tryout Evaluation - Click Here 


* High school showcase player eligibility:  Player must be high school age players with at least one season of high school baseball remaining and high school grades that would qualify them for college.   If you will have graduated before the completion of upcoming summer season, you are not eligible as you will likely be college committed by that point. Contact Aces for more information.

** Number of games is an estimate of total games played in travel league, independent team and tournament play.  Additional opportunities for scrimmage games and weekend series games with other quality travel teams within a few hours of WNY will also be available. Rain and individual tournament success will impact the actual final number of games played.

*** Costs include all baseball related fees, indoor facility use and team practice time, uniform, team practice apparel, helmet, bat bag and spikes for all participants during the summer season. 

**** Two out area/out of state state tournaments are included. The remainder will be within the WNY region. 

To Register for Tryout Evaluation - Click Here 

Tryout locations:

  • Garnet Park - 66 Garnet Rd, Amherst, NY
  • Losson Park - 500 Losson Rd, Cheektowaga, NY
  • Athlete Factory - 3950 Broadway, Depew, NY


Fall 2025 Teams

The 2025 fall team schedule will be as follows:
Each team will participate in a a combination of out of state tournaments and a series of local games and tournaments (see tournament/showcase schedule for breakdown by age of team) throughout the northeastern, mid-Atlantic and central United States during the months of September and October.  No tournament will restrict in any way any players participation with their summer team program. 

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR DETERMINING PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Fall Tournaments are considered 2026 tournaments.  Player age is determined as of April 30, 2026 - NOT April 30, 2025.  The Fall 11U team is for Summer 2025 10U players, 12U team is for Summer 11U players 13U team is for Summer 12U players and 14U team is for Summer 13U players and so on.

To Register for Tryout Evaluation - Click Here   


To Register for Tryout Evaluation - Click Here   


2025 Rookie Team

This program is an introduction to higher level training and play for those just starting out in the travel baseball world. The 2025 rookie team schedule will be as follows:
The team will practice weekly from February through April. Players will then participate with their current summer team through August. Players will return to practice in September and participate in one tournament at Sports at the Beach in Rohoboth Beach DE in late September/Early October. Team will be housed in tournament provided bunkhouse on the complex. Additional opportunities to play in weekend games in September is planned based on opponent availability. Fees include all training, game and tournament play and uniform jersey, pants and cap.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR DETERMINING PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Player age is determined as of April 30, 2025. This team is for 2025 8U and 9U players.

To Register for Tryout Evaluation - Click Here   


To Register for Tryout Evaluation - Click Here   

Tryout locations:

  • Garnet Park - 66 Garnet Rd, Amherst, NY
  • Losson Park - 500 Losson Rd, Cheektowaga, NY
  • Athlete Factory - 3950 Broadway, Depew, NY
